About Us
Past Presidents/Directors
“Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Since it's inception in 2011, the PEF has achieved many great things. This has been accomplished in part, by the hard work of it's Trustees and under direction of it's Presidents / Directors. Thank you, hardly seems fitting for your service, but know that it has not gone unnoticed!
Michael Wilson ~ Director from 2011-2014
Pat Seuberling ~ Director from 2014-2015
Ed Cunningham ~ President from 2015-2016
Jon M. Simons ~ President from 2016-2020
Tom D Benjamin - President from 2020-2021
Jon M. Simons ~ President from 2021-2022
Sarah Oliver ~ President from 2022- 2024